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An Introduction to TESOL

  • Terence OfBrien ’˜
  • A5”ป, 146ƒy[ƒW
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@Terry OfBrien uses his long experience of teaching to produce a book that simply and concisely introduces and discusses the main areas of teaching English. The text describes and evaluates teaching methods, testing, syllabus design, textbooks, motivation, communicative language teaching and a section on teachers and teaching.

Many academic books employ a difficult context with a dense text which discourages NNS students and teachers from enjoying the concepts presented. Professor OfBrienfs approach is to use an accessible text while retaining the important content. Even though the book targets young teachers and potential teachers, there is sufficient discussion to make the articles compelling reading for all language teachers.

The topics presented here can be studied independently. However, if the reader continues examining the text there will be an obvious relationship with the following sections. Understanding how a syllabus is designed will help to understand how a textbook is structured, and using a well-designed textbook will enhance motivation. In this way An Introduction to TESOL will enable the reader to become much more informed about how each piece of the TESOL jigsaw is related.

ISBN 978-4-271-21021-4
